Crossdressers experience sharing of hanging out

I believe that all crossdressers will have the issue to hang out in public, but only a small number of people can really do it.

Here we share some experiences sharing of hanging out, I hope it can help everyone!

Not all sisters are suitable for crossdressing outdoor. After all, this hobby is still not well acceptable in public.

If you are found, not only will you be embarrassed, but you will also be left with a psychological shadow and a bad crossdressing experience!

So don’t put on women’s clothes and run out regardless of the different situation.

We must use our own efforts and beauty to change this concept, instead of being looked at as transvestites and perverts!

1. Understanding of oneself

People who are too tall should not go out. No matter day or night, the first impression of men and women comes from the proportion of the body. This is a flaw that cannot be made up for.

Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight first, reduce physical exercise, then reduce muscle characteristics, increase the thickness of the fat layer, and then travel when you feel satisfied.

Wear loose-fitting clothing and avoid tight-fitting clothing.

It is better to choose the seasons of spring, autumn and winter. Clothing in these three seasons can effectively conceal muscle features.

If you are too tall, unless you are on the thin side and your shoulders are not too broad, or you have a very feminine face, it is recommended not to go out!

When going out, try to choose flat-soled or low-heeled shoes to reduce the awkwardness of your height. It is true that there are tall girls, but the return rate is too high. It is a simple truth that the longer you are observed, the greater the chance of wearing something.

People with short stature have relatively few restrictions, but they must also control their weight and waist circumference.

Let me mention here that being too thin is not necessarily a good thing for cross-dressing. Men’s epidermis is muscular and does not have the subcutaneous fat of women, so you must pay attention to retaining some fat content.

2. Body management

Shaping of narrow shoulders: When buying clothes, look for clothes with shoulders that are not very prominent. In addition, you can buy a version that is slightly smaller than your shoulder width.

Bust shaping: You can choose to wear prosthetic breasts to solve the problem. If the weather is hot in summer, you can also consider breast compression.

Waist shaping: You can choose body-shaping clothes, but you should pay attention to exercise so that you can stand instead of sitting, and twist your waist when you have time.

Shape the hip circumference and hip width: hip augmentation pads and cross-dressing pants are directly available on Taobao. There are so many to choose from.

Leg shaping: Be sure to develop straight leg shapes. Regularly do exercises to bring the legs together, and be sure to practice them until they fit perfectly! The problem of leg length is better solved with long flat shoes and short high heels.

The control of waist circumference is particularly important, because it is easy to increase our body shape, but difficult to reduce it. For example, if the hip width and waist circumference are not enough, we can use cross-dressing pants and hip augmentation pads. If the bust circumference is not enough, we can wear prosthetic breasts, etc., but the waist circumference is too large. If you can’t even wear the women’s clothes you like, how can you talk about the fun of fake street!

3. Makeup choice

The makeup of the fake street should be light rather than thick. Some people say that if you go light, you can’t even hide your beard. How can it be done?

This lightness is relatively light and should be as light as possible under the premise of facial transformation. We observe that women generally use light makeup unless they are in a special occupation or participate in an event.

As the saying goes, you should be low-key and blend in!

Remember one thing when it comes to facial makeup modification: you must modify the angular features of men through foundation makeup. All transition lines must be curves, because women’s faces are made up of curves, and men’s faces are made up of straight lines. This is the key to change.

Find and enhance the feature on your face that you think is the most feminine and highlight it! The steps and exercises of makeup. In the past, we have the advanced 4 steps to become a cross-dressing boss. Make-up teaches you how to become a boss in seconds…. What sisters have to do is to learn more and practice more!

4. Choice of clothing

The choice of clothes in the fake street must correspond to the current popular trends and be suitable for your age.

I don’t recommend that some friends choose some sexy clothes and go straight to the street. It’s also disrespectful to people.

In normal times, you should develop a sensitivity and grasp of fashion. Instead of wearing whatever clothes you like or what excites you, you will only be humiliating yourself!

5. Choice of travel routes and places

If you are going on a pseudo-street for the first time, I do not recommend doing it in a place you are not familiar with. If an emergency occurs, you will not be able to deal with it.

It is best to prepare in advance and observe the environment on the spot, including the density of people, unexpected hiding places, etc. Pay attention!

Sisters in the fake street will have the urge to go to shopping malls and restaurants at a certain time. This depends on the actual situation. If you are really a goddess, there is no limit, especially those who can fake voices.

What do you do as non-gifted drag sisters? You can start from movie theaters and libraries.

First of all, cinemas can now redeem tickets by themselves, and you can go through all the procedures without speaking.

The same goes for libraries. And the internal structure is complex and suitable for handling crisis situations!

6. Time to go out

It is not recommended to start too late. If you start, you can start at 8 or 9 pm or when it is completely dark.

Then gradually move forward, maybe five or six o’clock when the sky is just dark under normal conditions. At that time, the ambient light and color will not show the basic facial details!

During the day, it depends on the person and the conditions. If it is good, it is fine. If it is bad, it must be made up for by exquisite makeup. You may not look good but you must be careful. The attitude of a person who dresses up carefully is the attitude of a woman!

If you feel that you are not good enough, or if your makeup skills are limited, you can still wear a mask when going out on the streets!

Remember, you must go to a crowded place. It is always harder to get ganged up in a crowded place than a small one. The fewer people there are, the more dangerous it is.

Let’s imagine whether it is more difficult to find a cross-dressing sister among 100 people or 2 people. The result is self-evident!

7. The creation of femininity

Some people say this is difficult. In fact, it is very simple. You must make your movements curve-shaped. In addition, you must understand that the posture must be tightened toward the center line of the body. The upper arm of the arm should be as close to the body as possible, and the lower arm should be turned outward.

No need to walk the catwalk, just be able to walk in a straight line. Be sure to go slow and don’t appear to be in a hurry!

Mental adjustment

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you take the first step, the rest will be easy.

If you go out, you will risk your life, so just be a woman openly! Don’t always think that you are a man, you must be confident when facing abortion.

Don’t hang your head, it’s important to lift your breasts up, especially in the summer when your cleavage is revealed, it says it all!

No matter how bold a man is, most men will only glance at her secretly, so nothing will happen if she meets a man.

But women are different. Women are generally hostile to similar people with leaky breasts, and are jealous of why they are bigger than me, so they will stare at them to find the loopholes!

You need to be very alert when meeting women! Try to keep it as low-key as possible!

9. Things to bring when going out

You must have a big bag, a woman cannot go out without a bag.

Be sure to remember your ID card, wallet (bring a small amount of cash, the loss will not be too big in case of an accident), and keys. Your mobile phone can be used as a small prop in your hand and it will look natural.

As spare clothing, you should bring men’s clothes and shoes: if you wear high heels, be sure to prepare a pair of flat heels, otherwise you may end up going outside.
Although the level of tolerance has increased now, the level of suspicion has also increased! I hope everyone can adopt a cautious attitude when pretending to be on the streets, dress up beautifully before going out on the street, and don’t smear the cross-dressing sisters!

The above cross-dressing experience is shared by sisters with many years of cross-dressing experience. I hope it can help everyone!

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