How to hide beer belly when crossdressing

Your physique has a lot to do with how good you feel and how others perceive you when you crossdress. One of the first things you need to do is to hide your beer belly when crossdressing. When you live life as a man, especially an older one, having a beer belly is not only uncommon but almost expected.

However, life as a woman is not so forgiving.

Crossdressing in public can be nerve-wracking, especially at the start. The best way to beat those nerves is to draw as little attention to your ‘manly’ features. A woman with a beer belly stands out a lot more than a man with one, unfortunately.

We have a really informative article on making your body appear more feminine with specific exercises that we highly recommend you read. However, that is a long-term solution that won’t be of any use if you are looking to have a girls’ night out soon! The next best thing you can do is focus on your clothing.

Below, we have listed 6 things you can do to help hide your beer belly when crossdressing by disguising it through specific clothing choices. Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Make your chest appear more prominent

To appear more feminine, you need to pay attention to your appearance. How people see you can be significantly influenced by your proportions. To appear as a woman, your torso needs to be slimmer than the waist. Having a beer belly effectively reverses those proportions.   

Choosing a top that has ruffles is a simple trick used by many women to give the illusion that they are curvy in all the right places, even if they aren’t. You can use this to hide your beer belly when crossdressing because a top with ruffles in the chest area helps to distract people from your actual body shape under the clothing.

Another style of clothing that helps with providing you an illusion of curves is to wear tops that have a collar, such as a trench coat. Having a collar allows you to open it up and bring more attention to your chest and away from your beer belly. This is where investing in suitable breast forms can really come in handy.

Breast forms are fake breasts that you can hide under your clothing. Using the open-collared technique gives the appearance that you have cleavage, which adds to the overall illusion.

Choose the right material of clothing

When living life as a man, you may have never given a second thought to the material that your clothes are made of. However, when trying to hide your beer belly when crossdressing, you need to pay a great deal of attention because choosing the wrong type of clothing might reveal all your secrets that you’ve worked so hard to conceal.

A loose-fitting blouse tucked into loose trousers is a trick used by many female celebrities who want to hide that they are in the early stages of pregnancy. Use this trick to your advantage.

The first thing to avoid when trying to hide your beer belly is form-fitting clothing. Although it is every crossdresser’s dream to look stunning in a tight dress, having a beer belly might make the dream a distant reality. We are not saying that you will never be able to, but you might want to avoid it until you flatten your tummy a bit more.

The second thing you need to avoid is light color clothing. Darker clothing is slimming and helps to hide broad shoulders, beer bellies, and any other features that may disturb the proportions of your crossdressed physique.

Choose colors that contrast

While darker colors tend to slim your physique, lighter colors enlarge it. If used correctly, this color trick can go a long way in helping you hide your beer belly when crossdressing.

A high-waisted, dark pencil skirt to hide the belly combined with a white loose-fitting blouse to bring attention to your cleavage and finished off with an off-white, loose blazer to hide your broad shoulders – now that sounds sexy!

Remember, when we say dark and light colors, we are not just referring to white and black. Feel free to experiment with a range of colors.

Another way to use colors is to pick clothing with vertically drawn patterns in contrasting colors. Wearing a loose top or pants with vertical lines drawn from top to bottom helps to give a slimming illusion to your overall physique.

Wear clothing with flared peplums

A peplum refers to clothing made in a way where the material is bunched at the waist and then flares outwards after that. The fact that this is in fashion now will do wonders for you when hiding your beer belly when crossdressing.

The structure of dresses and tops with flared peplums helps to make your torso appear slimmer, while the flaring at your waistline gives you the illusion that you have wide hips – the ideal feminine physique of today!

While having a beer belly might make it slightly uncomfortable to wear these types of tops, it will help you achieve the look you desire, and that can go a long way in boosting your self-confidence, which makes you appear even more attractive.

Shapewear and corsets

Last but not least are corsets and shapewear. As the name suggests, you wear these clothing items to shape your body to have a woman’s ‘ideal’ proportions.

Corsets focus more on the waistline and belly and can reduce your waist by almost 6 inches which will help get you that hourglass figure every woman wants.

Shapewear, on the other hand, helps to shape your whole physique. Certain shapewear can cover your arms, chest, torso, and upper things. These are available in different colors to either match your skin color or your clothing attire for the day.

Tags: crossdressing Australia | crossdressers Australia | Crossdresser Tips

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