Standing poses for good photos as a crossdresser/transgender

We’ve already written a guide on how to take the best selfies as a crossdresser, so make sure to check that out after reading this. Today is the second instalment of our three-article series where we talk about how to take the best full-body photos as a crossdresser.

Some crossdressers/transgenders take photos to keep a collection of memories of their favourite outfits, some take pictures to remember the fun nights they had after dressing up, and others take photos to document the progress they’ve made in their crossdressing journey. No matter the reason, knowing how to take good photos is an essential skill, and it is something most biological men aren’t good at.

Full-body photos take a bit more effort than a regular selfie. You are covering a lot more area in the picture, which means there are many more variables that can affect the quality of the photo. Things like if you want to use a camera phone or a DSLLR camera, do you want to take pictures in portrait or landscape, what do you want to be seen in the background are all things you need to consider even before you take the photo.

The last thing to consider before taking the photo is if you want the camera propped up on a tripod or do you want to ask a trusted friend to take pictures of you which always be quite fun. If you want to learn more about proper lighting, ideal angles, and what props to use, make sure to go read the article on how to take selfies as a crossdresser as we cover all those points in that article.

Poses that are good for photos as a crossdresser/transgender

Now that we have addressed what you should think about before taking the photo, we need to discuss how to pose for good photos as a crossdresser/transgender. Once you begin crossdressing, you can no longer simply stand and stare at the camera and hope to be photogenic. Posing is quite tricky, even though supermodels and other females might make it look easy.

The pose you decide to take will depend on your physique and the clothing you wear. So, without further ado, let us have a look at some good poses you can use today.

Basic standing pose

For your basic standing pose, stand at a slight angle away from the camera. Next, put all your weight onto one leg and lift the other leg onto its toes. This will help emphasize the curves of your hip. You can also choose to cross your feet while still keeping weight on one leg.

Tilt your head slightly away from or towards the camera. Place one hand on your hips and the other by your side. The hair on your wig can either be put to one side, draping over one shoulder, or brought forward and placed elegantly on both shoulders.

Finally, you can choose to smile or sultrily gaze at the camera to add a bit of sex appeal to the photo. Just remember, this is just the basic pose to get you started with. To find the right pose for your physique and posture, you will need to make tiny adjustments over several photos until you get it right. The goal is to make your hips appear wider, and shoulders appear less broad.

Forward Lean pose

This pose is best used with a good set of breast forms (fake breasts).

Stand at an angle, bring your legs together, lean forward at the hips, and push your butt back a little. Make sure to bend towards the camera so that your breast form cleavage is made very obvious. To help bring more attention to it, place one folded arm under the breasts and prop it up towards the camera.

Brush your wig hair back with your other hand and gaze at the camera. Looking up at the camera signifies innocence, while gazing down at the camera shows dominance. With your legs, you can choose to keep both feet flat on the ground, cross your feet or put weight onto one leg and fold the other at the knee.

The Look-Back

Finally, you have the Look-Back. This is a very sexy pose and helps to create a great illusion with your hips and bum.

Stand with your back to the camera, shift all your weight to one leg, slightly angle your body, and look back at the camera. This is a popular one that you will find all over social media by women trying to get as many likes and attention on their photos as possible. And it works because it is a very attractive photo.


Just like everything else at the start of your crossdressing, you will need to spend some time learning how to take good standing photos as a woman. Taking good photos is an art form that women have had years to perfect. However, as biological men, you may never even had to think about taking a good photo until now.

Do not worry. This is a skill that is learnt and can be done in a relatively short amount of time. All you need is confidence and to follow the tips laid out in this article for you. The three standing poses we covered today are the basic stand, forward lean, and the look-back.

Have fun with these poses, and try adding your own twist to them. We wish you the best of luck and keep reading more of our articles to help you on your exciting journey as a crossdresser/transgender.

Tags: crossdressing Australia | crossdressers Australia | Transgender Tips

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